Tuesday, December 24, 2013


It's a typical Christmas Eve at the house of Pace. Dad is baking way too many pies, mom is wrapping every gift she bought, there's a Christmas movie playing in the TV. There are a few that have been a bit different, although I don't think mom has ever wrapped a single gift before Christmas Eve, it's her thing, it's quite amusing! As soon as she's done, she will pick out "two packages" that bobby and I get to open, if I were a betting woman, I would put all my money on those packages being pajamas. The movie is different every year, occasionally dad throws in a new pie or a cake. I have found myself reflecting on many different Christmases today. I have a few memories of spending the holiday with my Nanny in Lubbock, with my aunt Dee and cousins Duke and Nicole. I remember many where we just stayed at home and Bernetta and/or Nanny would come over. Up until just a few years ago, I remember being ridiculously, indescribably excited about waking up Christmas Eve. Now that there are no small children in the house, I'm not nearly as excited, but I am almost ALWAYS the first one up on Christmas. Many things are always the same on Christmas morning. First thing is to open your stocking and discover what was in it, usually we would then put everything back and wake up mom and dad and do that part all over again. Then while we explored those new gifts that mysteriously appeared, mom and dad make pancakes. After we have partaken in the best Christmas breakfast ever,  fast, easy and everyone likes it, we pass put gifts for the people present and open gifts as a family. No one opens anything until it's all passed out and then it is a free for all. Pausing here and there for the "BIG GIFTS" and the ensuing reaction. Then mom and dad get some cooking done while the kids are distracted and we wait for the arrival of the next group of family. Nowadays it's my sister and her kids, but it has been many people over the years. Then after more opening, more cooking and maybe some game playing, we eat lunch around one or two. Then napping, movie watching, game playing and more eating. Tonight, however, for the first time in MANY years, I will not be attending midnight mass. As a child, we always attended midnight mass. There were a few when bobby was younger that we went to the children's mass. I love St. Mary's midnight mass, mostly for Jim Rauscher's performance of the Proclamation, I'll try to post a link later. This year, we attended children's mass with my niece and nephews at St. Mary's. Seeing that we were almost always with my grandma for Christmas, there's usually a time, and it's often during the Our Father that I can "feel" her, or something like it. This year, it happened whilst singing songs with my niece standing in front of me singing away, nephews a few people down belting out a tune and of course my mom, dad and brother also singing right along. It was like one of those weird feelings like a door had been opened to the future and past and I was experiencing all of my former Christmas memories, and thinking about ones that haven't happened yet. Christmases that I would share my family traditions with my children and my niece and brother and everyone would be there to help. I think I was already feeling a bit nostalgic after the drive to church, Bobby and I were singing some Christmas tunes in the car. And this may sound a bit crazy or make you roll your eyes. But I want to take note of a few things, none of my memories are of the gifts that I have received or the ones I gave. Don't put so much pressure on the gifts. If you know the person, you know what the enjoy doing and can buy something to speaks to that. That's all people want, really. Or at least I think that's what we should teach our children. It's not about getting the best, newest exciting thing out there. It's about showing the ones you love that you notice them and reminding them that they aren't alone in this crazy, ridiculous, often scary world. Also, I've often said that thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think I've done that for a few reasons:1) if you say Christmas is your favorite holiday, people usually think your greedy or something. 2) thanksgiving is very similar to Christmas but without the added pressure of gift giving. 3) if you don't say that Jesus's birth is the reason you love Christmas, also makes you sound a little unchristian. In conclusion, I'll stick to my old standby, "I don't choose favorites." :) Merry Christmas to you and yours! 
A small view at some of the PJs over the years....

Friday, November 29, 2013

Oh what a time

Happy Post-Thanksgiving and/or Black Friday!! Hope you all got to enjoy sometime with your loved ones! I decided to do something different this thanksgiving! As most of you know, I've recently decided to try to become a runner! Originally I was going to run  a 5K this thanksgiving with my brother, but unfortunately he injured himself last week playing basketball and has a torn ACL. So it would happen that I would run this thing by myself. I was very nervous. I'd really only ran two this fall and only taken 30 seconds off my time in over two months. Of course, one of those months I was injured. So last week boot camp started again and the week before I found a running app that coached me and changed the music to my pace. I also purchased some new ear plugs. My other ones would not stay in my ears. I found some IronMan plugs that were guaranteed to not fall out. I also posted on fb welcoming anyone to send encouraging texts during the race. The night before, I was sore from bootcamp and decided to do my yoga DVD that I bought this summer. This summer, I would do yoga at night and fall asleep during the meditation. I had to set an alarm so I didn't wake up on my floor at 1 am. But I knew it would be good to stretch. The yoga was just as fabulous as I remember (I hadn't done it since camp ended...) however, I'm not sure if I was stressed about the race or if I'm just stressed more in general this time of year, but I did not do a good job of meditating. In fact, I watched the end of the video and completed a part of the DVD I didn't even know existed. The stress may be a combination of both, but I've decided to make myself do the DVD more often.
Morning of the race, I set my alarm for like 6:45, with a race time of 9:00. I woke up at 5:45....I got up ate some breakfast, drank some water. Tried to relax a bit. Decided to get there early cause I didn't really know where I was going. I sat in there car and stayed warm for a long time but then decided to get out and warm up a bit. There were tons of people! My app has a race day option so I moved it to that day, it was a few weeks away, and uploaded my new playlist to the app. When we moved to the starting line, I could sense I was too close to the front. Right as we started I got the first of many texts from my cousin Kim. Of course I received several pre race texts from my friends Monica, Kristi, and Adam. The app helped me stick with my 1 min walk, 1 min run ratio, although in the first mile, I did more walking than running. I think that's why I did so well. My friend David once told me that the beat thing I could do was not push too hard at the beginning, save it for the end. I think I did that this time. I received many texts during the race from my brother, mother and many more from my cousin Kim! I also received texts from coworkers/friends Janet, Mary and Jennifer. A little more than halfway through, my app had a malfunction. It somehow started running two programs at the same time. The last half a mile or so I had to turn it off and go back to my playlist. But I was astonished at the time, I had a feeling that I was going to improve my time but was not sure by how much. The finish line was in between this parking lot. So I decided I would run when I got to the lot. Well, that was taking too long so I started running before. The worst part of the finish line was that all the early finishers were trying to leave while I was trying to finish. There were a bunch of people at the finish line and a few standing in front of the clock. In fact, I couldn't see it until I was almost there. When I saw that it said 43: something, I ran just a bit harder. My goal since September was too finish under 45!! Somehow the clock said 43!! I knew no one at the finish line but people were cheering for everyone. I got a good job from a complete stranger. When I crossed both lines and made it around the fence, I truly had to fight back tears. Over a year ago, I had barely walked a 5K in under an hour.  Now somehow, I had made it under 43!! I had to sit in my car for a while before I could drive home. I was shaking from the race and the emotions and the cold. I sent messages to everyone who had encouraged me. I also started thinking of what I could do to take three minutes of my next one! I'm excited to find out how much time I've taken off my bootcamp mile since August. My first mile took me 14 min and 48 seconds. I just feel so much better than I did a year ago!! I can't even remember how I felt when I was living in midland, which was probably when I was living life the unhealthiest. I'm so proud of what I've done. I can't wait to set a new goal for myself so I can reach it. You know how much I love competing, if only I had realized sooner how awesome it was to compete with yourself!! 
I ate some of my dad's new apple pie yesterday with no regret. And had a few celebratory cocktails throughout the day! Haha! 
I had to write this blog for me, firstly. For the times when I have a bad workout. Or start to wonder if I should workout or not. 
I also had to post this as a thank you to all of you wonderful people reading this!!! I'm glad to hear so many of you say you would run the next one with me! (Or have a drink waiting for me at the finish line!!) Honestly,  if I can become a runner, anyone can. 
Oh and Betsy, if you're reading this, be patient. I've conquered completion of 3.1 miles, but I need some time and better outdoor weather to be prepared for 13.1 miles, but I'm working on it....I promise. I just need to get a better time and longer runs in. We may need to find a 5K/half marathon somewhere...
Thanks everyone!! Now stop reading and go workout!!! :) 
But wait!! This song said exactly how I felt yesterday after my race, so I'm sharing with all of you! Go make a promise to yourself and make sure you keep it!! :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

You'll be ok

So last week I made a list of 15 things for which I am grateful! This week, I'm continuing my list, however I think this theme may lean more towards random than thankful. 

16. One of my most profound musical experiences happened when I was about 14, when I discovered that musicians did not actually write the songs they sing. It was a terribly disturbing moment for me and to this day if a singer/band actually write their own music, my respect for them increases exponentially. 

17. I have a secret fascination with hosting my own television show. When I watch movies, I always pick out clips I would show for actors if they were guests on my show. I've never told a single person that. Ever. 

18. I enjoy watching random YouTube videos but I don't always share them with people because things that I find humorous are not the same as others. And I don't want people to ruin my fun! 

19. I really hate that I'm a messy person.  And I don't hate cleaning as much as I say I do. I feel like I would have truly benefited from a class titled "bedroom organization and other household cleaning tips." 

20. I spent many of my childhood years pretending to like things that other people liked. However, as an adult I think I actually like those things. 

21. I love teaching myself how to do things. In fact, if I'm on the verge of figuring things out and you tell me what to do or what the answer is, I will probably be very unhappy with you. It is also why I don't like knowing the endings to movies. 

22. I have many different names from my many years of life, Lizzy, Teddy, and I usually don't care what you call me. However, I do not like being called Liz. Never have. Yes, I know that many of you will take advantage of this confession to call me Liz, but you'll get tired of it....

23. I don't really like getting attached to pets. We had many pets that met their end at our house that I just decided not to try anymore. I'm also mildly afraid of animals...big or small...no actual reason for it. I just am.

24. I have very hot feet. Most of you know this, but it is one reason that I wear sandals a lot. Having my feet trapped in a hot shoe wrapped in a sock all day is semi-torturous. It is also the reason that the first thing I do when I get home is take off my shoes. 

25. I am fascinated with running into celebrities in places that you don't expect, such as airports, train stations and walking down the sidewalk. 

26. I have not outgrown my fear of the dark. I'm not sure if I ever will. I'm sure it is associated with a fear of the unknown. 

27. I really have a hard time choosing favorites of anything, color, music, movie, people. I have tendencies depending in what day it is...but no all time favorites. 

28. I LOVE volunteering. But not because it is a good thing to do, well, maybe a little. It is mostly cause I like to keep busy and I'm a control freak. 

29. I have an amazing memory. If I tell you that I don't remember something, it might be a lie. Every year for the last four years, I've had the entire school schedule memorized. I have a very awesome visual memory but a terrible auditory memory. If you try to tell me directions or steps, I'll inly remember the first three or the last three. 

30. I don't really know anything about fashion. In fact, when I get compliments on my clothes or outfits, I really am really truly shocked. I just wear what I think looks nice. 

So that took me a bit longer than I thought it would. I rambled a bit on this once, but I made no promise of doing otherwise. Thanks for reading! Happy thanksgiving!!! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Running against the Wind

So, if you know me, you know that I like to do things my way. I've done the "November Gratitude Challenge" before, although many days I forgot and I don't like doing things half way. I've also participated in the many games on Facebook, too many times, honestly. So, I'm playing this one my way. I'm going to make a list of random things. However, this list will have a theme: GRATITUDE. As I'm beginning, my goal is to write 30, but we shall see if that happens. So here goes nothing, I'll try not to ramble....

  1. I'm very grateful for the time that I got to spend with my grandmother, but sometimes I'm so envious of people who still have their grandparents late into their life. I also sometimes miss Nanny so much, but I can't even remember why. 
  2. I love that I have a close family. We are all quirky and dysfunctional, but some how we've managed to make it this far! 
  3. I love that there's this big plan out there that I have no control over. Even though it is super scary and I try to control it and screw it up every now and then, I'm somehow exactly where I'm supposed to be!
  4. I'm so thankful for Math! I know that's super nerdy, but I love that too!! Math is predictable and exciting and difficult. In a world where I have no control, I like that there's something like Math out there. 
  5. I'm so glad that I'm a math teacher. I always looked forward to math class, regardless of the teacher. But I know lots of kids don't feel that way, so even if they don't love math like I do, they at least don't dread going to class.
  6. I have had the BEST coworkers pretty much my whole working life! I'm nervous that one day I'll work some place with super boring people, but I'm also sure I would hate that job and therefore wouldn't stay working there very long.
  7. I wholeheartedly believe in the concept of a best friend. I'm so grateful that I have multiple. What's even better is that I can't compare them with each other. All of my friends make such Awesome additions to my life that I can't even describe it. 
  8. If I could pick any one moment in my life that has changed it the most, it would be the birth of Robert Wayne Pace on February 22, 1997 at 7:30 pm. Being his big sister brings me many great joys, along with many frustrations. But I know my life would be VERY different today, and probably not as much fun, if it weren't for this occurrence.
  9. I love the number 8. I put a lot of thought into what the last one would be because of that. It's a math thing, and I could explain to you, if you want....ha
  10. I'm so grateful that some decided that laughter would be a thing! It is a fabulous thing to do. I honestly feel bad for people who don't laugh very often. 
  11. I'm a strong supporter of the United States Postal Service. I love finding other people that share a love for this, or just sending random cards to random people, even if they don't respond...
  12. I'm grateful for the gift of music. My musical pallet is inspired by the great people who've influenced me in many different ways. I also like some tunes with a good beat and songs with wonderful story lines and mixtures of harmony and rhythm! Oh, I love music!!
  13. I love weddings, but not for the reason that most people do, the crazy kids. I love getting together with my friends and have a wonderful time. I love seeing their family interaction. I've been to a lot of weddings for a lot of people. All of them are unique and I'm actually looking forward to the many I have to attend this upcoming year! 
  14. I am super grateful that a little over a year ago, things aligned in such a way and I moved in with Elizabeth, my current roommate. She has been one of the major influences in my major health changes this year. I've also gained a great friend which is pretty dang cool.
  15. I love being an aunt. Enough said. No additional comment needed. It is an awesome part of my life. 
I've decided to write this list in two parts. Partly because it is more exhausting than I thought. But also cause it is late and I'm ready for bed....Part two will happen sometime soon.....ish. 
Until next time! :) 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dear you

In my recent trip to adoration, I decided to do something that I had been thinking about quite a bit recently. The result was not bad so I decided to share it with you all. Here is a letter that 29 year old Lizzy has written to 22 year old Lizzy. 

Dear Lizzy from 7 years ago, 
Well, Hello, Self! I wish you would have thought a few things thru. So, here's a few things that I think you don't understand or appreciate.
First, You are now an "Educated Adult!" You just got an amazing Education, one that many people will not have the opportunity to attempt. Enjoy that and be proud of that fact. No matter how many people come to your graduation ceremony/party, nothing will EVER change your experience you've just earned. 
Second, you have the ability to move wherever you want to move and teach wherever you want to teach. Put some thought into it. Just because something is offered to you, it doesn't mean you have to accept. Putting your plans in the way of opportunity takes away the fun and joy of life! Open yourself up to some new ideas. Put yourself out there! You're going to become a fabulous teacher, if I do say so myself. Make others believe that too!! 
Next, your life can be whatever you want your life to be. Don't let some preconceived notion of how you thought life was "supposed to be" stop you from enjoying what it actually is. You're single, fun, and as I said before an "educated adult." ACT LIKE IT! You're going to want to act like one of the saddest people in town- and honestly, it will be for no good reason. Get out there! Live the life you have and stop waiting for the life you want. Waiting for it is NOT how you get it!
Also, this may come as a shock but you know nothing about health and nutrition! Your so called health class was a joke in high school! You've gotten by until now because you had a teenagers metabolism. And, working on your feet and playing Basketball and softball with your college friends helped keep you active. Good job taking those fitness classes (karate, bowling, softball) in college, it helped. But now you're less active, you should play a sport wherever you move! You could MEET PEOPLE!! But seriously- watch what you eat!!!! 
Last, but probably most importantly, and this one might take a while!! The idea that people should "accept you and love you exactly as you are" is not meant to be used as an excuse!!! You will use it as an excuse to get fatter and stay that way. PEOPLE WILL LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!! But that's not the most important thing. The question is do you love yourself. How do you know? Well, many people say, "actions speak louder than words!" Are you showing love for yourself the same way you would expect someone else would? Are you ensuring for yourself a long healthy life? Are you ensuring that you have the capability to live life in its highest capacity? Cause if the answer is no, then you don't Truly love yourself. And it's IMPOSSIBLE to love others the "correct" way it you don't love her. 
So GET OUT THERE! Enjoy life! Get off the d@mn couch! Appreciate the gift you've been given known as life. Take care of your life and love it as much as you would want anyone to love something you gave away. One day, you'll say yes to these questions and wish that you had been saying yes for a lot longer! 
Future Lizzy 

I had to share, not only for past, future and present "Me," but also cause I felt like maybe I wasn't just writing it for me. Not that I was directing that to anyone in particular, honest. Just had to get it out there. Happy November! 
Thanks for reading...
Until next time! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why I'm not a Runner

Sorry it has been awhile since I've written a new blog, time just got away from me. Lots has happened since then, but I'll have to catch you up later. This is just about today. :) 
So, last November I walked a 5k for Veterans Day and it was terrible. It took forever I was in terrible pain and I had to buy new shoes after that. Lol. So since I've been going to boot camp, I decided to run the Race for the cure this morning. I worked diligently at ordering my playlist just right, putting some great songs in the middle and the very end cause I knew those would be the hardest parts. Also running this race with me was my roommate, my brother and my dad. We all stood together waiting for it to begin. I had tried to warm up by walking around and bobby and I even danced around a little. Minutes before I got really nervous. I wanted to walk away and just forget it. But I knew that wasn't an option. I started out with a nice jog. I've been walk/jogging my treadmill time at the gym and knew that I would have to do the same for real. After two blocks, my shoe came untied because the new pink laces were too short. But I didn't want to stop. After the next block, my nasal cavity instantaneously filled with snot. This always happens when I run outside. It's incredibly frustrating. This magical substance made its way into my chest which just made it super easy to breathe...I'm not sure if this is because my sinuses are all kinds of screwed up it if this happens to everyone. If you have a solution though, I'll take it! Nevertheless, I kept on. They were only timing the first 45 minutes and I wanted to finish before that. So there was a turn around spot about halfway and that's where I got a side cramp. I kept my jogging intervals even though I really wanted to just keep walking. My toes started hurting, the side cramp was still there.Then it got worse and I was about to just say screw it and walk the rest of the way. And then Jennifer, aka Poptart, sent me this text: "Just keep running, just keep running (imagine my best Ellen voice) proud of you!!!" Which gave me a push for another jogging interval. There were people standing in front of the American Red Cross cheering and that gave me another push. Of course, at this point I had google maps up so I could keep track of how much further I had to go. I started to realize that I wasn't going to get there in 45, but I wanted to get as close as possible. So I tried to keep a light jog for a while. And then we turned the corner for the home stretch that seemed so far away!!! There were 7 blocks left. So I jog one walk one, but i was jogging with two blocks left and decided to just jog the last two blocks. Of course, it helped that my friends and family were on the other side of the finish line also.   I crossed the finish line at 47:30, which I'm really proud of. Since everyone else was walking I decided to turn around and walk with them again, so I jogged a 5k and then turned around and walked it. I have plans to attempt another 5K in October and repeat the November Veterans day race. I am confident and hopeful that I will be able to take off 2 and half minutes by the November race. Oh, I've also started a race tradition cause my friends came over after the race for mimosas which was a fabulous idea!! I think post-race mimosas are now something that will have to be done. Or something similar at least. I'm really glad that THIS race was my first race. I've walked it before but never did it have as much meaning as this year. I did it for my mom, my nanny, whom I miss sooo much right now, but mostly I did it for myself. This blog post may have a subtitle. Maybe the full name should be "Why I'm not a runner, but I'm damn sure going to keep trying" thanks to everyone for the encouragement!! Only way to go is up!!! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 10,595

I think just about everyone has figured out that I'm a math nerd. So I figured it more exactly than last week and today is the 10,595th day that I have been alive! That's pretty cool! So last weeks birthday adventures were so great that I just wanted to get them "down on paper," and say thanks to a few folks. Sunday started with lots of the staff and campers wishing me a happy birthday week, it was hard not to though, really. Haha. Monday was topped with a visit out at camp by my great friend Janet! She brought me snacks for the road trip I would be taking later that week. Tuesday's gift was another dear friend that brought birthday brownies, peanut butter and chocolate! Thanks Poptart! I know the staff enjoyed those as well. 
Now Wednesday is where things really pick up. Wednesday I arrived at Tim and Annette's house at 8 am SHARP, yes we were all a bit shocked, to begin our trek to D/FW! Since Tim has taught next door to me for several years, and has also served as the Math Department Head, he is like a big brother or uncle to me, really. I call him for advice, he's just a fabulous friend/coworker that I'm lucky to have around. He also happens to be a Yankees fan! So Wednesday afternoon, we checked into our hotel and started looking for restaurants for dinner. So I start checking my old email address that is only on my iPad now while we are looking and there was lots of emails claiming "Happy Birthday" in the subject line. One happened to be from Boston's and there happened to be one across the street! So I got a free flatbread for dinner! Note: I have NO CLUE how I got that email, I had never heard of Boston's Pizza until that day. Then the Yankees game!! I am glad we went to two because Wednesday I was so star struck. I mean, I SAW DEREK JETER! He wasn't playing but there he sat!!! Laughing with his teammates! Did I mention our seats were 20 rows behind Yankees Dugout??? So Yankees lost but I really didn't care, just being there was awesome. I got to see Mariano Rivera walk to the dugout too!!! Oh, so I also randomly ran into my cousin and his wife who were also at the game! That was crazy! So Thursday, I wake up to hear my mom sing happy birthday via phone, a tradition my grandmother started many years ago. The hardest part of this is that I can't remember what her voice sounds like anymore. I'm sure we have it somewhere on tape, I just don't remember anymore. I also got texts and facebook posts and calls all day long. Then I face-time chatted with my mom during her last chemo treatment! I am so glad that I was able to surprise her with something since I couldn't be there. It was fun talking to my mom and dad too. Then my sister and the kids showed up at the hotel, they were there on vacation. Brought me a gift, a NY YANKEES JERSEY!! Oh and I got to face-time chat with one of my marvelous friends Betsy in Austin! Then it was off to game number two!! We got there in time to see them warm up, including Derek JETER! The Rangers honored Mo Rivera before the game and the game started with the Yankees ahead. We knew that if the Yankees were ahead by the end, we would get to see Mo pitch! Tim and I looked in the bullpen to see someone warming up, just as he turned you could see the number "42" and we both said "There he is" it was exciting. When he came out, the entire stadium was in their feet cheering for him, Yankees andRangers fans alike! I'm so glad I was able to see him live and in action. I mean he threw 12 pitches, 1 ball and 11 strikes to end the game! It was AWESOME!!! After a short plane delay, I arrived back at camp just in time for the staff to sing Happy Birthday around the campfire! Friday night included Taco Villa, Singing in the Rain and an early bed time! Lol. Saturday included a quick visit with my family and adoration. I went to church and it was nice to see people I knew there, very home-like! Then a few friends came over for some fajitas grilled out and some GREAT times! I haven't really hung out with some of my friends for a really, really long time. So that was GREAT! So now, I'm starting my 30th year of life. That seems ridiculous but just right at the same time! Just have to thanks for everyone for all the memories, not just of this birthday week, but of my 29th year--and the 28 before that! I hope I've brought as much laughter and joy to your life as you have to mine!! 
Finished with 4 minutes to spare of today! :) 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Things that should be real

1. Crystal Balls
Crystal balls are really just the first thing I thought of to describe telling the future. But I think there should be a way to see what your life would look like if you took this path compared to that path. For example, when I switched schools in the 7th grade, my mom registered me because I was in Houston visiting my aunt. My mom told me there were three options: Athletics, Pep Squad or P.E. My mom signed me up for athletics but I told her that was silly and made her switch to Pep Squad. I'm not sure why I made that decision, I did enjoy cheering in Elementary, but I liked playing sports too. But there's a few really important people that I don't think I would have been friends with today had I not chosen pep squad. But I often wonder what high school, or even my current life, would have looked like for me had I not asked my mom to switch. Even if it were as simple as those things they have in museums, where you push a button and it lights up this part of the time line with a quick voice over. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I would like one that allows me to plug in my current life and current choices and lets me see what life would look like. 
2. Friendships 
Not that these aren't real, I just felt like reminding people that they should be. I'm pretty sure that at this point in my life, I can mostly pick out what's real and what's not. I've made a few mistakes here and there, but who hasn't, right? 
3. Go-go gadget legs
I can't tell you the number of times that I have dreamed about having go-go gadget legs and thought that at times they would be pretty darn handy. 
4. Laughter
I know I've said it before, but laughing is one of my all time favorite things to do, EVER. Especially when it is completely uninhibited laughter, oh man that's the best. Not caring if you snort a few more times or you look like a chimpanzee at the zoo during feeding time, clapping your hands and knees and smiling like an idiot. Oh man!! That's my favorite. I feel like I judge my week, days, etc, by the amount of laughter they are filled with and not just by me. 
5. Tradition
I don't know if this just comes from being a Catholic or just being a control freak, or both. All I know, is I LOVE tradition, which is one of the BIG reasons, I love Christmas. Christmas, and other holidays, are FILLED with traditions. Honestly, that's one of the things I respect about married people and new families and such. I have a hard time imagining not doing holidays the way that my family does them, but the other person has traditions, too. How do you blend them enough to keep people happy and create a few traditions that your children can one say pass down? 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

So Easy

Some of you may notice that I've started a new blog! There's a few reasons for it. I started the blog in 2009 at a time when I was terribly unhappy with my life, all aspects of it. Unfortunately, it was for no real reason either. But this blog isn't about that time of my life. Another reason for the new blog is that in 12 short days, I will turn 29. I feel like this is like RIDICULOUS! I should not be 29 soon...I was just 22..wasn't I? Plus, my old blog had 100 posts and it just seemed right to leave it at that!
So here we are: The new blog! Similar to the old blog, I got the idea for this new blog name and it's first post while driving in the car. So I felt like sharing something that I've been doing for the past few months, I've shared it randomly in conversation, but now I'm putting it "on paper."
To start, I'm a big fan of signs, especially if they're repeated. So a few random friends suggested a book to me earlier this year, "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric & Leslie Ludy. In February, I bought it for my iPad and started reading it during adoration. Before I go any farther, let me say that I highly recommend this book. I wish the 22 year old Lizzy would have read it, or even the 18 year old one. So each chapter has questions for you to think about and occasionally some "assignment" to do. Well, one chapter had the assignment to "write a love letter to your future spouse." Well, as evidence of this blog, I enjoy writing, so I did it. I've heard of this before and have even heard of blogs dedicated to this sort of thing. (Don't worry, that's not what this is...)So the concept is that your future spouse is someone who is actually real and instead of finding a "temporary replacement" you just write a letter sharing whatever it is you would share with that person if they were actually reading that letter: joy, happiness, loneliness, sadness, fear.  So my first letter is probably kind of awkward, but I started doing it every week in Adoration and a few times not during adoration. One Saturday after adoration, I was driving around thinking about the idea of this, of someone out there that I have or haven't met yet that could one day be my husband. It was oddly liberating. I could stop worrying about whether or not I was ever going to meet him. I think especially in this time of engagements and weddings it can be hard, and I'm not saying writing this letters has solved all my problems. But I feel like I don't worry about it any more, which if you're a worrier, you understand how huge this is! This song by Phillip Phillips kind of reiterated this new found feeling of freedom. I used to think I had achieved "freedom" from the society's idea of dating/marriage/whatever, but really I was just ignoring it. This is much different. I can be sarcastic and dramatic about the number of friends who are engaged or newly married this year (9, but I'm not keeping track or anything....) However, I feel actually happy for them now and I'm also not trying to "look" for anything anymore. I'll find it one day, or it'll find me, or it won't. 

However, I'm not going to be sharing the letters with you cause that kind of ruins it. Some are short, some are long, some are about absolutely nothing and others about absolutely everything. But isn't that kind of how life is some days. Some days seem rather insignificant, while others you know will stick with you for a while.